_Wild Artists_

Art as an act

Imagination and activism

How art can bring the wild to people

As environmental change becomes an increasing concern, the ability to use art to connect and give agency to the individual & society, is too important to overlook.

The artist has a role… they can use their voice, however it might manifest – visual, written, performed, presented – to best express Nature.

Wild reflections

Marja Kruit

Visual Arts & Harp

Imagine how it would feel, look, and be if our relationship with nature was better.

Now… what can you do to get us to that place?

‘Big Friend’ by Marja Kruit.

IaIn Mccaig

Film & Screen

Star Wars, Hook, Terminator, Harry Potter, Guardians of the Galaxy

Link to Iain’s website

Eleanor Tallowin

Encaustic artist

Eleanor is an encaustic artist who was brought up on the edge of Dartmoor. 

She paints using a heated dry iron and pigmented beeswax blocks… the wax is melted onto the surface of the iron and applied to paper using sweeping motions. Detail is added using either the tip of the iron or a stylus with a heated nib end. 

Every piece is spontaneous and unique.

Her subject is the rugged beauty and mystical wilderness of the open moor, with its vast landscapes and ever-changing skies. 

Music by Hilary Tann, ‘The Cresset Stone’

Link to Eleanor’s website

“Imagination as climate activism.

Nature can be viewed as a fearful thing… wild, dangerous, unpredictable, destructive.

But nature is our home… our only home.

Imagine returning to a safe home. 

Fear of environmental collapse is a vast and distant issue… especially when we have our daily problems. 

Fear of it – causes us to retreat…  ‘I can’t deal with it’. Or – adopt rage… ’They’re to blame’. 

Imagine dealing with it and not blaming.

Before we can change the environment for the better, we must believe that we can. 

This is an act of imagination.

Imagine, you can.

Bring nature back into your daily life — and imagine more.

Make a difference.

Being connected with Nature helps us be-well…

In nature, we are improved.

Being connected with others helps us be-well…

In community, we are at home.

Nature and each other is a source of solace…

Immerse yourself in both. 


Connecting nature & community…

–    Is activism at it’s most fundamental.


Art in the service of the environment