Martyn’s concern throughout his working life has been our relationship with wild nature which he sees as intensely threatened, politically controversial and yet vital to our common future.
Wearing both scientific and conservation hats, he has advised governments, aid agencies and development organisations on the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of ecosystems and ecological restoration.
Martyn’s passion is writing. His debut travel book, The Storm Leopard, is the story of a journey across Africa and into the heart of the environmental crisis. You can join him as a passenger along the back roads of Africa and into some remote corners where the best routes are along narrow wildlife trails. As an author, he explores our personal connections with nature and how, when they become imbalanced, we experience stress in society and destruction of the natural world, but when balanced we experience harmony and health in both society and nature.
He’s worn many hats in his career – team leader, project manager, trouble-shooter, facilitator, author, editor, researcher, fieldworker and strategist – and is equally at home undertaking field surveys with biologists, developing information systems with software geeks, chatting with rural farmers about crop damage or discussing alternative change theories with executives.